Heading up the locks on the Oswego Canal today. Eight locks in total. All was good until we hit lock 6. It is a taller lock and the wind was intense.
We caught up on more time and did it in under 4 hours. The lake looks good today and considered heading over but we ordered that radio speaker to come into the marina tomorrow.
We have to stay the night. Too bad because it would have put us ahead at least 3 hours. We stayed here last year on the way back from Boston, same slip even. It is supposed to be around 100 degrees tomorrow. I hope the weather cooperates and is stable for the crossing of Lake Ontario.
We are here so early that we don’t know what to do with ourselves. We will be putting up the radar, getting rid of the fender boards for sure but spare time to do whatever is unusual. Hmmmmm…..what to do now?
…….It is just before 11:00 pm now and we have cleaned the scum off the boat from the locks, put those fender boards on the back, cycled to get groceries, updated charts, plotted tomorrow’s route across Lake Ontario ( 3 ft waves with a SE wind), had dinner, and the madatory shower. Time for bed folks.
See you back in Canada tomorrow!!!! Oh and that radio we were waiting on,,,,the order has been cancelled. They didn’t like the Canadian credit card. Met a couple with a 63′ who lent us a portable radio with the idea that we will forward it back to them in Santa Barbara. I was thinking we could hand deliver it!!!