May 292012

I wonder how much preparation you have to do to have a trip like the one we are planning this summer.   Get the list and check it twice, maybe three times.  This past weekend we were at home checking things off the list.  Spring cleaning, check, new Smart TV check, even downloaded a movie to try, check, new shelf for the Xbox, check, made cockpit cover, check, made TV cover, check.  Slowly we are getting things ready.  I think it is the never ending list that is overwhelming.

This coming weekend the weather man says rain.  Although well needed I don’t like rain on the weekends.  Rain all you want during the week but leave my weekends dry and humid.  Scott is looking at changing out the transmission fluid but has research to do on exactly how to do it.  The generator is still winterized and that needs some work.  Then there is the completion of the wax job I started on the lower half of the boat.  Scott has to compound the upper deck to give it that factory shine and then there is the wax for that.  Whewww, I’m tired just thinking about it.  Also there is a bug netting that we are trying to make so that we can enjoy those summer nights on deck and not have to go into a canvas cave just because of a few mosquitos.  The list goes on and on.

I am still waiting for a surgery date.   Scott is off to Mexico for a week somewhere between now and then and a birthday party for Aiden too.  It is going to pass by quickly.

Pottahawk is only 6 weeks away where 6 guys will be camping out on Lake Erie for 2 nights.  And that, my friends, is a whole other list of things to do!

 Posted by at 6:22 PM
May 192012

It is now official.  The 2012 boating season has begun.  Splash was May 16th with  Conductance making her way home through the quiet rivers and gratiously anticipated May breezes.  A few fishermen brave the chill in the air at this time of the year.  Not many other types of boaters yet.

Check list once and twice before heading home from Tonawanda.  Engines started up and they ran beautifully.  After coolers were refurbished this winter in Scott’s workshop.  No leaks from the disco lights that were also installed a couple weeks ago.  Always a bonus not having leaks after drilling 4 –  1″ holes in the hull.  Now for all the electrical.  Gremlins seem to have multiplied in the electronics with the touch screen intermittently working, navigation charts sporatic and the VHF radio non existent.  Now that’s a problem.  Scott, I know what you’re doing this weekend.

Waxing has to be completed this weekend while tied to the dock and some major cleaning.  Bring on the sunscreen.

The first major trip this long weekend will be to drain the antifreeze and add water.  I think a stop at “The Boathouse” for some patio time is in order while we are there.  Anyone interested in the first maiden voyage for 2012 can give us a call!!!



 Posted by at 12:24 PM