Conductance Gallery


Boston to Niagara Pictures

Ontario Loop Pictures   To Finger Lakes

Lake Erie Tour Pictures   Niagara to Nashville Pictures

Nashville to Florida Pictures

 Posted by at 1:02 AM

  5 Responses to “Conductance Gallery”

  1. Hey Brenda, Scott & Aiden!
    Sorry I forgot when you were leaving and when I asked Cindy Shepperd last nite how to get on the site because I couldn’t find it she sent it to me and here I am. I just went through from beginning. What a great time u must be having. I will check every day now. Great pics and dialog. See u soon.
    Luv Ms Glo!

  2. I don’t know if my e-mail went through. I am not real good with this stuff. See u soon.. Glo!

  3. Hi guys. I finally got here and WOW! I’m so glad it was just props! And what’s the ETA now?…just kidding! Have you met anyone else also traveling along your route? Scott, way to not waste down time and Aiden, don’t disappoint me, I know you put that extra hour in to find out what those eggs were you discovered so, I’ll be waiting for a full report that I know I’ll get anyway :). Brenda, I know you’re holding it down and you’re not in enough pictures! We miss you and I want to see that face! Don’t know how well or often you phone is working with the poor cell areas so, I got your message and will let you know when it’s done. Love you guys and miss you.

    • Miss you tons! The egg mystery continues because wifi isn’t always available but we are coming to the close of our “au natural” experience. Hello city life and marinas and therefore, wifi.

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