Today we followed the Rideau Canal with not much to really talk about except for the pending storm. We decided that only after 4 hours of travel that we would stay at Lock which is Burritt’s Rapids. It was darn hot at over 90 degrees so the first thing on our minds was a swim in the river. Funny, cause it was just us and a couple kids that went in when there must have been 8 boats waiting out the storm.
T showers, clouds, heavy rains didn’t damper our day. The boys went for a hike to see the dam while I started on a glass of wine and watched the storm changing into a major event. Lightning was everywhere. The thunder in the distance became very close in a short time. The boys wandered in soaking wet and that’s when the rain really came down. Heavy droplets that sounded like hail, clouds that were as black as ever with lightning every second or so. Actually it was quite refreshing to see rain after this much drought. The only major disadvantage was that Internet was not available.