Aug 242015

We are in Tennessee.  Now what?  There has to be more but that will have to wait for now.

We have cruised over 2000 miles to get to Tennessee it is without a doubt that we have boating in our blood.  Aiden has learned more about nature, history, family, self initiation and so many other things.  We feel very fortunate to have been able to do this trip.  I miss my kids at home, Amy and Steve, and I miss our dog, Newton.  Mitchel, who I barely got to see while here in Canada.  My friends, my ladies, and you know who you are, I miss you all so much.  Lunch, dinners and nights out have to be planned when I get home.  No excuses.

Thank you to my mom and Pat who without you two we would have taken a much more difficult path to get out of Little Current after hitting the rock and then getting back.  We appreciate the sacrifice you two made to help us out in little time and took so much of your time to get us underway again.

Amy and Mitchel who have taken such great care of our baby, Newton.  We miss him so much but know that he is well taken care of.

Steve who always comes through with anything we need at the house and office.  Thanks for holding down the fort with all those tasks that were needed.

And again, all of you who took the time to read and follow our journey.  This journey is truly a boater’s dream .  Wth the knowledge that you are reading this crazy personal journal makes it so much more.

Life is a journey!  Stay calm and journey on!!

 Posted by at 1:31 AM

  One Response to “The end of the beginning…………….”

  1. Congratulations!!! What a trip ….An amazing experience for Aiden this summer, great age. The memories he will have forever, and the log/blog to go with it. Enjoy……Safe trip home. Miss you guys.

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