Today the challenge is real. We have to leave at a rising tide but dead low tide is at 10 AM. We decide to head out and if we have to we will wait for the rising tide to get through Ashepoo Cut. All the reports say less than 3 feet and we draft 4 feet. That math doesn’t add up. As we head out from B&B’s fisheries we note that 2 other loopers are ahead of us. They are a bit smaller but must be heading to the cut too. Scott hails them. They have been through several times and saw nothing less than 6 feet. That is reassuring.
As we approach Ashepoo Cut they are just ahead of us. They will let us know if it is too shallow on the radio. As we approach we quickly go from 30 feet to 9, 8, 7, 6 feet. With LeeAnn and Sakado ahead they are quiet on the radio. That means all is good so far. We head through really slow and find that the entire cut is 6 feet deep at low tide. About half way through a huge 50 foot Searay passes us at a higher rate of speed and tosses us around. We loose our depth gauge. Great. He takes off at full speed. At this point he is going to hit something before us so we very slowly make our way through his water waiting for the depth gauge to come back once the turbulence dies down. We make it through at low tide with no issues.
We are heading to Charleston, SC with a marina reservation at the Harborage at Ashley. Charleston is on the Ashley River and the city dock had no room for us. We are feeling very fortunate to find this spot. The Harborage is in the downtown medical area with pickleball only 1 mile away. Yes, there is pickleball. We get settled in what may end up being a week here due to a massive nor’easter coming in just north of here. Everyone is stuck with a sustained 50 mph wind expected about 50 miles north of us. We are safe and snug here but know it will be difficult to move north as everyone has been stuck the same amount of time as us.
At the dock there are 4 new prototype navy intercept vessels with the fellas performing nightly and daily routines. They spend hours prepping the vessels and then take off after dinner to test. It is really interesting to watch how efficient these guys are.
We wander around town during the coldfront days and find a rooftop lunch spot. As we are up there the winds pick up a bit with the sun in and out of the clouds. It is really interesting how many of the rooftops are being utilized for various purposes. We found a pickleball court on top of the rehab centre, several restaurants, green space for the apartments, a gym. What a great idea to use the extra space. Some of the downtown buildings are a couple hundred years old. You can see that the streets were used by horses and carriage as they are narrow and the buildings have had several uses in their past lives.
The marina is very nice. Floating docks, close to restaurants, downtown and pickleball. A Marriott is here too and with Scott’s lifetime membership we have access to the amentities. After heading out on a bike ride Scott decides to take apart the windless (anchor winch) to figure out if he can fix the anchor problem. There is none visible but he does take the time to grease the moving parts and get serial numbers just in case. I chase around the fruit flies with the vacuum.