Oct 222021

Willow Island Anchorage – Alton Marina, Alton, IL

This is the last day on the llinois River. We will connect with the Mississippi River at a small town called Grafton, IL where many Loopers stay. Ourselves, we will pass Grafton and head on over to Alton, IL. Hopefully meeting some other Loopers who have been there for awhile.

The Illinois River foliage is starting to change colours. We can see the beginnings of the yellows with a bit of reds along the hills. We have had some cooler nights where we needed the extra blankets and put the heat on in the mornings to warm up for breakfast. Those cooler nights have caused the leaves to change. Our day is scewed being on the different time zone as well. An hour behind everyone on Eastern Time we are on the edge of the Central Time making our days start earlier and nights coming an hour earlier. It is dark here by our time 6:30 and morning and sunrise is around 6:30 AM. So we start our days early and end our nights early. Being outside a lot of the time creates a good night’s sleep anyway so by the time it is 8:00 we are already thinking of sundowners and bedtime.

Approaching the Mississippi River the Illinois River widens. The Miss has a wide span but shallows on the edges of the channel quickly. Grafton is the entrance to the Mississippi heading southbound. The colourful town with its bright coloured buildings set on a hill is nothng short of spectacular. Set that with beautiful sedementary rock bluffs the Mississippi has carved out over the millions of years and the sights will astound. These bluffs go on for miles. The bridges that cross over the mighty river are expansive and an engineering feat on their own. We have tried to capture them in photos.

The most memorable portion of our trip from 2015 was the current. It was running after the floods. This time around the river is peaceful and inviting. It still runs around 1 knt or so. Barges have become much larger with their tows pushing more. They are small cities moving along the river. Tucked into Alton Marina we are slipped on the outside of the covered slips. With more slips than boats this marina has proven a great stop for Loopers and locals alike. The covered slips provide the comfort of shade along with the protection from rain. There is always a group party at one of the docks. This marina has both gas and diesel available. They offer 3 night discount for Loopers and 3 free nights after the 3 night discount. Laundry, groceries, any provision you need is available with a couple grocery stores picking you up from the marina to shop and a return trip.

We found pickleball. A group of folks have started to ask the town to expand the tennis courts and offer tournaments. There are 6 courts currently with 4 more on the agenda. The town has a observation area for judging or watching the games. They have also spoke with the adjacent towns and they are putting in several courts as well. This will be pickleball central in not time. Just an Uber ride away.

We will be staying here a couple nights because of the central location for supplies. Scott is changing the engines’ oils. I have more laundry than I care to and groceries are on the agenda. We will be traveling the next 250 miles with no amenities. No anything including fuel or water. The run down the Mississippi can be challenging with winds and/or currents. Finding a place to anchor, where only a few spots are available, so we are trying to stay away from groups until we get past the Mississippi. There are about 100 boats or more ahead of us on the rivers heading to Mobile, AL so spots to stay will be a tough go and we are larger than the majority of other vessels doing the loop.

  One Response to “Willow Island Anchorage – Alton, IL”

  1. Whoop Whoop! The Mississippi! Pretty beautiful escarpment views, almost like you are in the Niagara River, with colours from home. : ). So wonderful to see you have sunshine while we yearn for days like that presently.

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