Jun 032011

So here we are today…..in Oswego.  If you know some geography you will note that our plans have changed.  Early yesterday we made a call to the lockmaster in the area of the flooding and he told us that the canal has remained closed and does not know when it will open.  We had to make some decisions quickly.  Do we keep the boat in a small marina in Brewerton (the last lock before the shut down lock area)?  Do we continue on up the Oswego Canal to Lake Ontario and then onto St. Catharines from there?  Or do we wait?  Waiting was not an option as we are not retired and Aiden has to get his last days of school in.  Since there was no idea when the Erie Canal would be open we made the decision to come up the Oswego Canal to come home.  So we had to plan and re-route our navigation software to accommodate the change.  That done, we headed up the Oswego Canal to stay in Oswego, NY.  I found a bar that had WiFI, so here I sit writing this little tidbit of our day, while sipping a Stella’s in Oswego.  Totally underdressed, in a ball cap, with no make up and hair tucked up inside due to the windblown, non showered look.  Not appealing in this place.  I must look good cause people are looking at me.  LoL

We’ll be staying here tonight at Oswego Marina then heading out on to Lake Ontario.  We have decided to stay over in Rochester with our new guy friends at the marina they are at then head home.  I have to check on where we will be landing on Sunday.  Stay tuned…….

 Posted by at 5:43 PM