Today will be a short day of about 3 hours or so. We are picking up Aiden’s friend, C, at the lock in Frankford,ON. The bonus is that this is the only stop that has hydro available by Parks Canada. For $10.00 we can catch up charging our electronics and enjoy peaceful air conditioning. Usually we aren’t air people but it gets crazy hot in the living quarters. Boat only has one small 18” x 18” vent. What is that on a boat that is over 20’ living space.
Anyway, we didn’t have luck catching the locks today. Lock 3 should have waited for us but for some reason didn’t keep 2 boats waiting 5 minutes for us to catch up. That created a 15 – 20 minute backlog of wait time for subsequent locks. Our friends coming from Grimsby made it to Frankford faster than we did. We travelled from above Lock 1 to above lock 5 and they were waiting.
So now we have C onboard with us. Aiden is beside himself excited to speak to a kid his age again. They have already gone swimming in a river that is only about 3 ft deep at the centre, fished until the fish were full of the worms lost on their hooks (we use barbless so they slip off easily), hiked, and played washer toss. I think they may be onto the reading section of their day already. Hope they sleep well tonight.
Thanks again Dana, Kevin and E for my first car ride to a grocery store in over 2 weeks even if you did bring me back 2 days of travel time.